Michael E. Toth hails from Maple Heights, Ohio and was educated within the Catholic school system. Michael started his commitment to serve others as he became the youngest elected official in the nation, at eighteen years old. His public service began with his election to the Maple Heights school board, where his skills soon led him to the office of President of the school board.

His people skills and leadership qualities were soon recognized as he became president of a local AFSCME union.

In 1987, Mike’s financial career expanded to include Long-Term care and Medicaid planning. This decision came after he met his wife, Judy, and listening to her experience with the devastation of watching a loved one become a pawn in the long-term care and Medicaid game.

The financial security of his clients is his primary focus as he shows them how to increase their retirement income, reduce taxes and transfer wealth the way they want it, not the IRS. He understands the legalities involved and manages the critical and complex issues facing their long-term financial security. Mike can help his clients understand what options are available, and how to properly structure and manage their financial resources. Mike also teaches clients the ins and outs of Social Security and Medicare and how they fit in their retirement plans.

Since moving to Ashtabula, Ohio, Mike was approached to become of the 2004 class of Leadership, Ashtabula county. The class size is limited and you must satisfy certain criteria before you are invited to become a member. Through hands on experience Mike learned much about the county; its assets, needs and concerns. Mike has come to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the county he calls home.

Mike celebrates over 38 years in business without a consumer complaint, he continues to do his best to provide his clients with cutting edge information and products. In 2015 Mike obtained his SEC Series 65 license. The Series 65 assures his client’s that Mike has a fiduciary responsibility to their financial needs, first and foremost. Mike’s fiduciary qualities have been the backbone of Mike’s business for the last four decades.